Juvenile Blue Tang at the LATC

blue tang at the Les aquaculture and training center

We are currently rearing 80 juvenile Blue Tang Surgeonfish (Paracanthurus hepatus) at the LINI Aquaculture and Training Centre (LATC). They were donated by Bali Double C and were approximately 2.5cm in length when we received them. After five weeks, and being fed with algae growing in our facilities and chopped mussels mixed with udang rebon, the Blue Tang have grown to an average of 3.5cm.

These beautiful fish are part of LINI’s reef restoration program. Blue Tang are just one of the species that have become locally extinct in the area due to overharvesting. They will be released onto the protected reefs of Penuktukan and Sambirenteng later this year when they reach a length of 5cm.