Maidenhead Aquatics visits the LATC

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On 8th November, Independent Aquatic Imports UK and shop owners from Maidenhead Aquatics, the UK’s leading specialist aquatic retailer, visited the LINI Aquaculture and Training Centre (LATC) in Les village, North Bali. This was their second visit to LINI, having visited for the first time in October 2014 before the LATC had been built.

During their visit, we discussed about their plans to work more collaboratively with LINI and to financially support LINI’s work. For one year starting from October 2015, a donation will be set aside from each box that Maidenhead Aquatics purchases through Independent Aquatics Imports UK and its Bali supplier.

After learning about the LATC, guests went snorkelling at the reef restoration sites in front of the Centre and observed fishers performing collection techniques.

Like last year, Maidenhead Aquatics’ visit to Les village was very much appreciated. It provided an opportunity for the whole supply chain of the marine ornamental industry – fisher, local trader, exporter, importer and retailer – to meet and to get together to talk about issues and ideas.

Thank you for supporting LINI, we look forward to continuing our collaboration for years to come!