
Over a period of 5 months, corals were planted on artificial reef structures, which were part of the Indonesian Coral Reef Garden in Buleleng District in North Bali. During the next two days, community groups are being trained to conduct reef monitoring. These communities have all expressed their willingness to take the lead in reporting their progress, and to share their work on conserving the reefs on which they depend for their livelihoods.

There are 14 communities from seven sites that have signed up to participate in the training, which is being held at our Centre in Les village. LINI has developed a platform in social media for the groups to report their monitoring progress. The social media page will be launched today, aiming to share the story from the field. Please visit the site and enjoy the work of these groups as they improve the condition of their coral reef. Hopefully, when the COVID pandemic eases, and Bali is open again for visitors, you can come and see the restored reefs for yourselves as you dive and enjoy the reef restoration areas.

We welcome any support you can give towards the monitoring and maintenance of the reef restoration areas. Thank you all!

By Gayatri Reksodihardjo-Lilley

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