
Fishers who catch yellowfin tuna with handlines in the Banda Sea look for birds and dolphins as signs of the presence of tuna. Although the handline fisheries have little impact on interactions with Endangered, Threatened, or Protected (ETP) species, there is evidence that some seabirds are being caught on the handlines. Examples of this were captured using time-lapse cameras (TLC), installed during August – October 2018 and March-May 2019.  From 317 fishing trips, three interactions with seabirds were recorded in 2018. 

Interaction with seabirds during tuna fishing

On 20 and 27 December 2019, we conducted training in the Banda Islands on live seabird releases. 44 fishers/boat captains attended the training. Fishers were trained on how to release the birds and avoid seabird interactions. 

We would like to thank the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP) staff who provided training materials about Hook Removal from Seabirds.

Poster showing the method of hook removal from seabird (Source: ACAP, click here to see the original poster)

After the training, the Tuna Banda Stakeholder Forum distributed boat licenses (BPKP and PAS KECIL) to tuna fishers in Waer village, Combir village and Kampung Baru village. This was a form of compliance with a Decree of the Governor of Maluku (Peraturan Gubernur Maluku No. 42a Tahun 2017) and a Decree of  Fisheries Office of Maluku decree (DKP Maluku No 523.3/1026/18k Tahun 2018). 


By Gayatri Reksodihardjo-Lilley

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