The LATC is officially launched!

training during the launching

The LINI Aquaculture and Training Centre (LATC) was officially launched on 7 April 2016. The launch was attended by community groups, university students, Government representatives from the District and Jakarta, and the private sector. We were overwhelmed by the positive response the Centre received.

A short introduction on aquaculture training was given for students from Udayana University and staff from the District Office for Marine Affairs and Fisheries. After the opening ceremony, we offered aquaculture training, gave tours around our facility and demonstrated anemone propagation.

The good news is we have started receiving groups who want to volunteer with us, as well as students who want to do internships with us. Our work has also received some great media coverage recently, including this article in the Jakarta Post:

If you are interested in getting involved or finding out more please contact LINI via email at: or telephone: +62 361 8427 168.