
Population trends of Banggai cardinalfish in the Banggai Islands, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

Abstract: The Banggai cardinalfish (BCF) – Pterapogon kauderni is endemic to the Banggai Archipelago, Indonesia and has received international attention due to the decline in its population. As the sole range state, Indonesia has a responsibility to conserve the BCF through initiatives for its sustainable management. To inform management and evaluate management effectiveness, a research…


Survey Of Banggai Cardinalfish Populations And Their Microhabitats

Since 2007, LINI has been monitoring the distribution and population density of Banggai Cardinalfish (BCF) populations in the Banggai Archipelago. The survey was initiated because of our concerns about the declining numbers of BCF in the environment, which has led to this species being listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List. The BCF population…


What has happened to the banggai cardinalfish in the banggai islands, sulawesi?

Summary: It has been anecdotally reported that the majority of Banggai cardinalfish (BCF) – Pterapogon kauderni imported into the USA are coming from a single aquaculture facility in Thailand. As the USA market remains one of the major buyers of this fish, one can imagine that the quantities imported much be huge. On the other…