LINI at NUSATIC 2024: Engaging the Aquatic Community for Conservation


From 7-9 June 2024, LINI participated in NUSATIC 2024 by setting up a booth and organising a symposium. NUSATIC or Nusantara Aquatic, is an internationally renowned Ornamental Fish Exhibition and Aquatic show held in Indonesia. Recognised as the largest event of its kind in Asia.  It showcases marine and freshwater aquarium fish keeping. Since its inception in 2016, NUSATIC has grown to include exhibitions, international Conferences, seminars, and competitions for ornamental fish, reef tanks and aquatic plants. For LINI, NUSATIC has become a vital platform to reach a broader audience raise awareness about coral reef ecosystem and conservation efforts. As an NGO focused on conserving marine aquarium fish in the wild, we believe that the love for aquarium hobbies and the passion for conservation can go hand in hand. Therefore, it is crucial to communicate this synergy to hobbyist, government officials and other visitors of NUSATIC.

Marine Aquarium Symposium

Ryannyka, LINI’s Research and Education Manager was one of the nine distinguished speakers at the symposium. She shared our experiences working with communities to conduct coral reef restoration using cultured corals. Her presentation highlighted the remarkable efforts of marine aquarium fishers at Les village, North Bali, who actively participate in coral reef conservation. Our belief is that the marine aquarium fish industry, particularly those who culture corals for live coral trade, can play a pivotal role in reef restoration by providing cultured corals back to the sea. This topic resonated deeply with hobbyists and aquarium keepers, many of whom have overgrown corals in their tanks. The symposium sparked lively discussions on how hobbyists could donate their cultured corals to reef restoration efforts, the procedures involved and the challenges faced.

Ryannyka shared our coral reef conservation journey in the symposium

The symposium was able to connect many practitioners and enthusiasts with the diverse background in Indonesia, providing them a platform to discuss marine conservation efforts and sustainable aquarium practices. 

LINI Education Booth in NISATIC

In addition to the  symposium,  our booth was a hub of activity, that was aimed at introducing marine aquarium fisheries through the lenses of conservation and science.  The diverse array of NUSATIC visitors, including  hobbyists, government officials, exporters, and  students, were drawn to our booth, eager to learn about our programs and initiatives. 

Our interactions with visitors went beyond  raising awareness about  marine ecosystems. We  engaged them with  interactive games, rewarding participants with LINI merchandise. These activities not only educated but also entertained, making conservation a fun and memorable experience for everyone. 

Our booth with educational materials and information related to the marine ecosystem
T-shirts designed by Ryannyka and other handful merch such as stickers, post cards and foldable bags

Our booth also featured merchandise for sale, with all profits directed  towards supporting our marine conservation projects.

We are grateful for the opportunities like NUSATIC, where we can connect with broader audience, engage more practitioners, and stakeholders in the marine aquarium industry across Indonesia. Together we share a common  concern for our oceans, and we look forward to future events where we can continue this important work. See you next time!

By Adriel Prayoga, Gayatri Reksodishardjo-Lilley and Eveline Kurniati