News from the field

Karina an Adam interns from Jakarta

Since March we have been very busy hosting interns and volunteers at the LATC in North Bali, and in our field project on Banggai Island. Our Indonesian interns, Adam and Karina, have been diving and helping with our marine conservation program on the coral restoration site at Les village. Karina is focusing on the monitoring of the growth of the corals we transplanted onto the artificial reef structures, while Adam is helping with our aquaculture activities.

We have been very lucky to have Jonathan from the UK, helping us to understand more about technical aspects of aquaculture. It is always good to have fresh input from the outside world, and Jonathan has given us much useful information and food for thought.

Jonathan from UK

Jonathan from UK

Vany, from West Sumatra, has been volunteering in Banggai Island since March. She has been helping in the training and mentoring of the local communities of Bone Baru village, and learning how to breed the endangered Banggai cardinalfish (BCF). In Bone Baru, LINI is helping the local community to set up a community-based breeding program for BCF, to help to reduce the collection of BCF from their natural habitats. We still have a long way to go, but the people of Bone Baru are keen to learn and support the conservation of this rare fish that lives in their area.

helping local communities Bone Baru Banggai Island

Vany, with hat on, helping local communities from Bone Baru Banggai island

In May 15, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries visited the community-breeding in Bone Baru, and learned that the people of Banggai have been working hard towards conservation of the endemic species and marine habitat.