From Sea to Market: Octopus Fishers Explore Processing in Makassar


A group of octopus fishers from the Banggai Islands recently embarked on a learning journey to PT Prima Bahari Inti Lestari in Makassar. The visit, which took place on 9 August, 2024, aimed to enhance their understanding of octopus processing.

Discussion at the PT Prima Bahari Inti Lestari’s office

PT Prima Bahari Inti Lestari is one of the leading seafood processors based in Makassar exporting around 90% of its octopus products to Europe, with the remaining 10% distributed domestically, as well as to the United State and Australia. During the visit, generously arranged by the company, the fishers received an introduction to the processing plant’s facility and its standard operational procedures (SOP), the company’s quality standards for international markets, and overview of the processing flow.

The visit highlighted the importance of maintaining a cold chain and efficient supply chain to ensure the freshness and quality of the product. Currently, the octopus fishery faces the challenge of long supply chains, where products from fishers have to go through three or more middlemen before reaching processing plants or export facilities. This issue is particularly challenging for remote islands like Banggai. 

We hope the fishers will share the knowledge gained during the visit with their fellow fishers in the villages. Furthermore, we expect that this visit will motivate octopus fishers to prioritize product quality from the very start of the supply chain. By learning to identify high-quality octopus, fishers may also become less vulnerable to exploitation by middlemen.

This visit represents a significant step toward promoting sustainable fisheries in the Banggai Islands by equipping fishers with the knowledge and skills to meet international market standards.

By Muhammad Taufiq, Eveline Kurniati and Gayatri Reksodihardjo-Lilley